The Divergent sereis

About :

Beatrice Prior lives in a world with factions .Factions are different groups of people with different personalities, each faction has their own job : the Dauntless the faction of the brave protect and people and are fighters , the Abnegation are the selfless they control the government, Erudite are the smart they are the researchers, teachers and engineers, the Amity are the kind and peaceful they do the farming and the Candor are the honest they well …. they actually don’t really do anything . The day of the Choosing Ceremony – the day when you get to chose which faction you’re in – Beatrice choses Dauntless her life changes forever .But Beatrice is different and she actually doesn’t belong in 1 faction but 3 ! She is what people call a Divergent . Sadly being a Divergent isn’t always a good thing .

Author: Veronica Roth wrote this absolutely amazing series .

Age Rating :I would say that this book series is for twelve-year-olds and up .Mostly because of some inappropriate bits but it really depends on the person reading it .

Star rating :I think that this series is 5 stars .Tell me your opinion on the series in the comments .

Books in the series :There are three books in the series .Those are Divergent ,Insurgent and Allegiant .

Just so you know … there’s also a movie series based on the books but its best to read the books first .