Magnus Chase

So Magnus Chase lived a pretty normal life in Boston he slept under a bridge, pickpocketed stuck up people and chatted with his friends you know normal teenage life .Until he died and things pretty much just went downhill from there .Next thing he knows he’s in Valhalla the Viking afterlife a lovely paradise full of death ,games and deadly yoga .But for Magnus things aren’t so easy…

Author: Rick Riordan.

Who should read it : For those of you who have read Rick Roirdan’s other books you already know that you should read it .But for anyone else who likes humor adventure and fantasy should read it too.

Star Rating : 4 3/4

Books In The Series: . Magnus Chase and The Sword of Summer (1) .Magnus Chase and The Hammer of Thor (2) .Magnus Chase and the Ship of The Dead (3) .Magnus Chase and The Nine Worlds (A collection of short stories you don’t have to read it to understand the story.

Top Tip! : Read Percy Jackson , Heroes of Olympus and Trails of Apollo before reading this series as they are all slightly connected .